A very rich resource for air quality data in Germany and Switzerland can be found here. It might be a little difficult to find exactly what you are looking for.
You need to be more precise about your request. What type of data do you need? for what pollutants? BTW, check out this cool website for PM2.5 http://maps.who.int/airpollution/
Regarding the last part of your question: Emissions and meteorology will always be local parameters. For the dispersion process, there are a few models around that are more or less generalised. The main differences are the type of source (traffic emissions, stack emissions, area sources etc.) and the level of detail (topography, buildngs).
And then there is the political part of air quality assessments. In some countries it is a major issue, in other countries it isn't. In some countries, air quality limits are driven by health impact, in other countries, they are driven by economic feasibility. Therefore, the Actions triggered by an exceedence of air quality limtis may be entirely different.
So, I don't believe in a general model/approach that is applicable everywhere. At least, it is still far away.
This is a vague question; air quality--and some accompanying meteorological data for selected pollutants in the US--data are available at epa.gov/outdoor-air-quality data. This site have both "raw" data, formatted data, and data reports. The raw data should be available on a site-specific basis, but I have not checked. Generally there is a lag time of a year in putting the information on the web, but otherwise it can be obtained for many years on a site-specific basis.
There are scores--probably thousands--of statistical and/or chemical/physical models used to estimate ambient air quality, depending upon the pollutant of interest, its "averaging time," its modeling domain, epoch, and receptors of interest. See the above answers.