No Published data is available for the same, and PSA levels should not change with COVID infection. I have not seen a direct association between the two clinically so far.
Dear Subir, many thanks for asking this very important technical question which is certainly of significant current interest. Apparently the corona pandemic has an indirect effect in that it can be associated with a dramatic decrease in routine prostate cancer screenings (PSA tests). For more information about this please have a look at the following relevant links:
Is COVID-19 impacting prostate cancer screening? A survey of prostate-specific antigen test requests during a local outbreak
Article Is COVID-19 impacting prostate cancer screening? A survey of...
Impact of COVID-19 on Prostate Cancer Management: Guidelines for Urologists
Article Impact of COVID-19 on Prostate Cancer Management: Guidelines...
Both of these articles have been posted as public full texts on RG, soothes can be freely downloaded as pdf files.
Good luck with your research and best wishes, Frank Edelmann 😊
P.S. Dear Subir, other studies indicated that the prostate is most likely not a target organ for SARS-CoV-2 in patients infected with COVID-19. For a potentially useful article please have a look at the following link:
Prostate specific antigen in COVID-19 patients
Article Prostate specific antigen in COVID‐19 patients
This paper is also freely available as public full ext on RG. Also please see:
Is There a Link Between Prostate Cancer and COVID-19?
The query was related to one of my relatives. His PSA was 1129 because hormone therapy was no longer working. He passed away last month at the age of 80 years.