Mohammad, perhaps if you select a few circular areas of let´s say 20 meters diameter and study the flow of worms you may draw some arrows showing the direction they travel transporting food, leaves, etc. If you check the whole perimeter it may give you an idea about possible place of wormholes. I am no expert in this field, so there may be better ideas in this field. You may also put some food they like and observe where they come from and where they return with their product. Good luck, emilio
It is interesting how one word can mean so many different things to different people. To Emilio, it meant a hole for a worm, as in a biology project. My immediate thought was you meant the 'wormholes' studied in physics/cosmology. So I looked at your profile, and I see that you likely meant neither. I am now guessing that you are talking about a cyber/hacking feature.
When I thought you were referring to a 'wormhole' as defined in physics, I thought of how planetary and other heavenly bodies are discovered by noting their presence would explain perturbations in the orbits or motions of other bodies. That means detection through mathematical means. Perhaps a multiple regression model may be a statistical means by which we could do something similar, where missing variables could be conjectured. There is an area called "latent variables" that might be helpful, but I don't know.
Similarly, perhaps statistics could also detect the presence of any hidden variable that is impacting computer performance. Would that cover your 'wormhole?' It does sound complex though.
So whatever "wormhole" might mean to someone, the 'short answer' to your question is likely "Yes."
If you do reword your question, you might also explain what you mean by "non-uniform environment."
yes.i am talking about the malicious nodes(a pair of sensors which are communicating with each other ,but they are not in the radio range of each other) using a buzz word wormhole. i can reword my question like this:
if sensors are deployed non-uniformly in a particular area ,can we detect wormhole using statistical analysis?? non uniform means sensor density is same in all over the area.??