I have an unknown phage's tailspike DNA sequence (protein blast in NCBI show that that fragment of genome is belong to phage tailspike protein). Is there any software to help in prediction phage attach on which part of the surface of bacteria?
At my knowledge no. The 3D conformation of the bacterial receptor is as important as the translated sequence, consequently it is really hard to predict such receptor based on a phage sequence.
Maybe you should take a look in the literature if the bacteriophage receptor is known. I am afraid it is rigorously impossible only by bioinformatics analyses. I know the OmpK outer membrane protein is a well known receptor for many "aquatic phage" such as infecting Vibrio.
Thank. When i blastx my sequences with online database, I hint around 40 % of another tailspike phage protein. That tailspike protein is attack to tetrasaccharides chain of bacteria. so I make hypothesis that the tailspike protein might attach on saccharides of bacteria. So, may be I will get another way to find out receptor for this phage.
You must however be careful. It is well known that the receptor binding proteins (RBP) are among the fastest evolving phage genes (selection pressure to evolve). Moreover, some phage may have a stochastic expression of RBPs. Take a look at this publication: