I have a collection of several sets of two arrays X and Y, where the x and y values can be 0, 1 or 2. I calculate the real  Mutual Information between X and Y. Then I shuffle X and Y and calculate again a Mutual Information (MI) of such random case. I repeat the process many times, so for each instance of the collection I end up with one real value of Mutual Information and a distribution of MI values from a null model (random). I want to now how significant is the real value but also be able to compare such significance with other instances of the collection. If the underlying distribution for the null model were gaussian, calculating z-score like

zscore = (MI - mu) / std,

where mu and std are respectively the mean and standard deviation for the null model distribution of MI, would be my solution. But how I can do this when the underlying distribution is a Poisson?

If you could provide any cite I would appreciate.

Thank you very much!

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