I want to compare the results I obtained using two different phylogenetic trees. I would like to have some lines between the species in the two trees.The phylogenetic trees or the dendograms are constructed using molecular markers.
Another method in R is the Distory package. It has a range of functions for comparing two trees. It is probably not as good visually as Splitstree (though it does have a function to visually show both trees and highlight the differences), but if you want to do further analysis on the differences then it can be quite powerful. Here are a couple of useful functions:
1. phylo.diff plots two trees side by side, highlighting edges unique to each tree in red.
2. distinct.edges finds the edges present in the first argument not in the second.
3. dist.multiPhylo Computes the geodesic distance of a list of phylogenetic trees using a polynomial algorithm.
There is also TOPD/FMTS, a programme for comparing phylogenetic trees. The software implements several described methods for comparing phylogenetic trees and calculating the "TOPological Distance" between them.
Nicolas, Weston. I wonder how do I compare two trees in SplitsTree4 ? I tried everything but could not figure it out, and a manual says nothing about tree comparison. Could you please give me an advice?
Janos Podani's Syn-Tax 2000 package (https://www.exetersoftware.com/cat/syntax/syntax.html; http://ramet.elte.hu/~podani/) implements methods for comparing two or more trees, as described here: Podani, J., and Dickinson, T.A. 1984. Comparison of dendrograms: a multivariate approach. Canadian Journal of Botany 62(12): 2765-2778. See also Podani, J. 2000. Simulation of random dendrograms and comparison tests: some comments. J. Classif. 17:123-142 and Podani, J., A. Engloner and A. Major. 2009. Multilevel comparison of dendrograms: A new method with an application for genetic classifications. Statistical Applications in Genetics and Molecular Biology 8(1): Article 22. DOI: 10.2202/1544-6115.1443.
Go to CRAN, phylogenetics task view and under the subsection called tree comparison you will find a list of R packages that do tree comparison, here is the copy paste of that paragraph :
Tree Comparison: Tree-tree distances can be evaluated, and used in additional analyses, in distory and Rphylip. ape can compute tree-tree distances and also create a plot showing two trees with links between associated tips. kdetrees implements a non-parametric method for identifying potential outlying observations in a collection of phylogenetic trees, which could represent inference problems or processes such as horizontal gene transfer. dendextend can evaluate multiple measures comparing dendrograms.