It would help to know exactly what type of cell you're using exactly, each SC has its own proliferative and quiescent niche or microenvironment. For example hemopoietic stem cells can be induced toward quiescence in a hypoxic environment and proliferation in am oxygenic niche.
I hope this at least helps....
Yin, T. Li, L. (2006). The stem cell niches in bone. J Clin Invest 116, 1195–1201. Article
Removal of chemokines and withdrawal of both nutrient (glucose and glutamine) and serum (including much amount of growth factors stimulating receptor tyrosine kinases expressed in immune cells) are expected to induce quiescence in immune cells. In particular, the removal of stem cell factor (SCF), one of the essential growth factors during the development and homeostasis, induces the dormancy of immune cells.
Great answers, thanks all. I am using an LGL cell line that grows very robustly in culture, I would like to induce quiescence and then look at functional recovery. I have been using starvation so far, just curious if there is a more rapid or accurate way to induce it. Thanks again!