I had injected retrovirus containing pBabe.puro.cmv and pcl ampho to the F1 B16 and then after 24 hours and 48 hours I did puromycin selection, The First days and second days the cell decrease gradually and the thirds days all the cells died, is there posibilty the virus accepted to the cells then several days rejected and out to the cells? please give suggestion about this.. thansk very muchI had injected retrovirus containing pBabe.puro.cmv and pcl ampho to the F1 B16 and then after 24 hours and 48 hours I did puromycin selection, The First days and second days the cell decrease gradually and the thirds days all the cells died, is there posibilty the virus accepted to the cells then several days rejected and out to the cells? please give suggestion about this.. thansk very much?

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