22 November 2018 2 4K Report

Hello everyone,

I am pretty new to ELISA and I have been thinking of conducting a ROMO1 quantitative sandwich ELISA with NHDFa. I am planning on having three samples in triplicates however in our institute we are using a small device to culture our cells on and therefore I can only have a maximum amount of 50.000 cells per sample. Obviously I need to run an optimization series with my unknown samples to find a dilution value which lies between my min/max OD of standards. However I am not sure if 50.000 cells/ml per samples would be enough to get signals. And since these kits are expensive I cannot afford to get more than one.

What is the "theoretical" min. concentration of cells that can be used in such an ELISA? I could not find anything related to my question in literature...

I would very much appreciate your help

Thanks :)

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