Hi all,
I'm quite new to homology modeling so I would appreciate some help.
I'm yielding complete different search results when I submit an identical sequence with the same initial parameters to PSI-BLAST via embl and via ncbi.
The ncbi results seem "ok" (with respects to bit-score), whilst those returned by the ncbi host of PSI-BLAST won't always get past the second iteration. I am using the same E(), PSSM E-value cut off, database (pdb), matrix score, word size, etc.
Further more to this issue. I have managed to identify some homologies using the embl implementation of blast. How can I then generate a 3D pdb structure? I have tried using Maestro, which I was very successful with when I had an identity of 85% of almost the entire sequence from a past project. However, this current project, I believe the maestro homology toolkit uses values of the PSI-BLAST API similar to ncbi, and hence I don't get similar results to the embl implementation.