
I am currently reviewing a student's work, and they were advised to correct some of their calculations for % recovery of the spiked standards based on the recovery of one of the mid range calibration standards (2.5, 5, 10 15 ug/mL). So, where the spiked standard was say, 5 ug/mL of a hydrocarbon, the recovery from triplicate analysis was 4.65 ug/mL. With an increase in molecular weight and interference from high organic matrix, the spiked standard target analyte, a heavier non-polar compound was 3.25 ug/mL. From my own experience, I would run standards, compare recovery of internal spiked standard to the calibration curve standards and use that result. I am self trained organic soil chemist, so still learning.

Could anyone let me know, in what situations, adjusting for error associated with matrix interference is warranted, if warranted at all? So, if you had repeatable recoveries of 3.25 ug mL when spiking with 5 ug mL, could you obtain % recovery on the recovery - standard recovery is 3.25 ug/mL and in the sample, the associated native compound is 3.00. So 3.00/3.35 X 100.

Appreciate if anyone can assist with this matter.

Best regards,

Cal Leech

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