Nutritional interventions to reverse Type 2 diabetes has accelerated with relevance to the global Type 2 diabetes epidemic. The recent interest in Type 3 diabetes has now linked the reversal of Type 2 diabetes to Type 3 diabetes. Type 3 diabetes involves brain dysfunction with complete loss brain regulation of blood plasma glucose levels. The stabilization of Type 3 diabetes is critical to prevent the Type 2 diabetes complications that are irreversible such as myocardial infarction, non alcoholic fatty liver disease and pancreas programmed cell death. Nutritional therapy is essential to activate the brain and to control the brain function that is linked to accelerated aging and the severity of Type 2 diabetes. Compounds such as caffeine, Indian spices, magnesium, xenobiotics and LPS should be carefully assessed to prevent the induction of Type 3 diabetes that will lead to accelerated Type 2 diabetes and multiple organ disease in the developing and developed world.


1. Caffeine consumption with Relevance to Type 3 diabetes and accelerated brain aging. Research and Reveiws: Neuroscience. 1,1, December, 2016.

2. Nutrition Therapy Regulates Caffeine Metabolism with Relevance to NAFLD and Induction of Type 3 Diabetes. J Diabetes Metab Disord. 2017; 4: 019.

3. Type 3 diabetes with links to NAFLD and Other Chronic Diseases in the Western World. International Journal of Diabetes. 2016; 1:1-5.

4. Diet and Nutrition reverse Type 3 Diabetes and Accelerated Aging linked to Global chronic diseases. J Diab Res Ther. 2016; 2(2). 5. Insulin Therapy and Autoimmune Disease with Relevance to Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease. Non Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease. An Update. IntechOpen. October, 2018

6. Nutrition increases Survival and Reverses NAFLD and Alzheimer's disease Ian J Martins ·First Edition edited by Alina Berdos, 01/2015; LAP LAMBERT., ISBN: 978-3-659-78371-5. Printed/Ebook Release

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