Emmanuel Vijayanand Murray I think there are many possibilities for rethinking microfinance. There is for instance a great potential to further develop person to person borrowing. My greatest concerns are making the loans as lo cost as possible, undestanding that microfinance should make the lender just enough to make the system sustainable and keeping a quality control that benefits all parties in the lending process. I have participated in financing more than 5000 projects through microfinance. I claim that sustainability financially and developing lending systems that promote participation and democracy, on both the lender side and the borrower side, has great potential for further development. I am connected to the INDIMICRO system through www.kiva.org. Our banking team is developing ways for people with intellectual disabilities to actively participate in microfinance. You can read our full text article on this here on RG. It is written together with my co-researcher Sofie Daae Kversøy . She has an intellectual disability. She owns her own microbank.
Rural people need cheaper and sufficient fund with flexible repayment mode. Hence, there is a huge scope for new institutions which can develop such products. I think financing to the CMSMEs and Agriculture through Agent Banking Outlets of commercial banks can sustainably eliminate poverty.