12 December 2014 7 5K Report

Is the problem with US research an “erroneous assumption of never-ending rapid growth in biomedical science” as noted by Alberts B, Kirschner MW, Tilghman S, Varmus H. Rescuing US biomedical research from its systemic flaws. PNAS 2014 111: 5773-7? U.S. medical research has been cut 25% in real dollars since 2003. By contrast, medical costs are increasing without regard to the limits suggested for science funding as evidenced by the increase in health insurance premiums of 80% over this period http://kff.org/report-section/2013-summary-of-findings/ . So why should the investment in basic research that provides advances in treatments and keeps people out of the hospital not increase proportionately? Does flat or decreasing funding for science make any logical sense with the growing problems of antibiotic resistance, emerging pathogens, aging population, and increasing environmental stresses. 

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