Merely focusing on the energy-efficiency enhancement of buildings is not enough to reduce building sector's increasing energy demand. This paradox is conceptualised as The paradox of Inefficiency of Increased Building Energy Efficiency. Compared to merely focusing on the energy-efficiency enhancement, increasing the number of energy-efficient buildings (EEBs) with a better marketability via enhancement of their aesthetic features is proposed as a novel approach (aesthetics, energy efficiency, and marketing oriented) to reduce building sector's energy demand and contribute the efforts to minimise the hazards of global warming in the article;

"Aydin, Yusuf Cihat, Parham A. Mirzaei, and Sanam Akhavannasab. "On the relationship between building energy efficiency, aesthetic features and marketability: Toward a novel policy for energy demand reduction." Energy Policy 128 (2019): 593-606" , Full text can be accessed until 20 March 2019 via:

This article contains valuable information about; (1) the current stage of EEBs’ adoption, (2) market barriers of EEBs, (3) the role of aesthetic features on buildings’ marketability for development of effective policies, (4) housing buyers' decision making process when they are buying a house, (5) the potential role of visual aesthetic on buildings’ marketability, (6) the applicability of aesthetic enhancement of EEBs in practice, (7) building components that simultaneously affecting the buildings aesthetic, energy efficiency and marketability, (8) the most important building parameters in consumer decision-making process when they are buying a house, (9) the monetary added value of different building parameters, and (10) impact of window's parameters on market demand of residential buildings.

In this study, several pre-studies and a comprehensive email survey was conducted on residential sales employees from real-estate agencies (n = 289) across 26 UK cities.

I would pleased to discuss with my colleagues about this proposed novel paradox and approach, and hear their thoughts about the necessity of new approaches for reducing building sector's energy demand and contribute reaching the goals of Paris agreement.

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