Stephen, one thing to keep in mind is the addition of formalin to the gel, which helps to prevent degradation. You can find a protocol here:
Yes you could see RNA on a agarose gel. Do not use DNA molecular weight, the size do not coresponds. You need to clean the electrophoresis unit with 0.1M NaOH in order to be RNase free. Poly adenylate RNA form a smire.
I m pretty newbie in research, i used to extract DNA badly and my bad RNAse never degraded RNA and used to give a smear at bottom when not treated properly. So RNA can be seen on Agarose gel. What u need is just proper extraction procedure and clean electrophoresis unit.
Stephen, one thing to keep in mind is the addition of formalin to the gel, which helps to prevent degradation. You can find a protocol here:
Agree with Torsten above, you need to use a denaturing agarose gel, slightly different composition from a regular agarose gel for DNA. It should contain MOPS and formaldehyde/formalin. Running buffer too should be a MOPS buffer and not a regular TAE buffer used for DNA gels. You should be able to find detailed protocols quite easily online.
Another alternative is a microchip electrophoresis system like MultiNA, you will be able to visualise the RNA as well as determine concentration and purity. Check around and see if anyone has a machine. Also very good for small yields as you only need 1-2 ul to run on the chip.