According to Einstein's Special Relativity (ER) we can travel to the future if we move at the speed of light, or at speeds very close to it. But traveling to the past is more complicated or unworkable.
1. If we apply greater than light speeds to the Lorentz transformations for the relative time shown in special relativity, we will obtain an imaginary time component and a real component equal to zero. The offset between the two time vectors is equivalent to - 90 °, which means that at speeds greater than light, the flow of time is reversed. The problem with this is that no amount of mass can be accelerated to the speed of light. Unless we could go through a wormhole in space time.
2. The other problem is that traveling to a time and place in the past violates the second law of thermodynamics, since we are traveling towards a point of lower entropy, which is impossible since in our universe the entropy increases with time and the expansion of space time. In other words, we cannot travel to the past of our universe, but to the past of another universe that we obviously do not know. On the other hand, traveling to the future of our universe does not violate the second law of thermodynamics, but we cannot return to our time of origin.
In my opinion, the parameters for the issue of time travel should be clarified. Well, taking into account the theoretical approach, taking into account the knowledge of physics, etc., it is possible to build theoretical models of the possibility of traveling in time. However, if we only take into account the issues of practical possibilities and time travel would concern people in the context of current technologies, such as the construction of spacecraft, etc., unfortunately at the moment human time travel is impossible. In addition, it should be clarified whether time travel should refer to human time travel only into the future or also into the past. The difference is important.
Well yes, at this moment we cannot travel to the future until we reach the speed of light, and due to the second law of thermodynamics we will never be able to travel to the past at least in our own universe.