Does anyone know if it is possible to recover RNA from acrylamide gel that has been silver stained? The recovered RNA would then be used either in PCR reaction or loading again onto another gel.
I do not have experience in this case. However, I think you just need to use purification kit to recover it. normally, the siver will be eliminate by column at the binding step of purification. Good luck!
Sorry, I forgot to tell you that if you want more purity I think dialysis may work, but you need to do it at 4 degree. However, I do not think we should recover RNA because it is not stable, and RNase can kill it easily.
This doesnt really seem feasible honestly. I'm sure there is a niche kit/protocol with very low yield out there, but I've never heard of it. On top of that everything would need to be executed perfectly.
Maybe if you are trying to prove that a band of ssRNA is your ssRNA of interest you can create a radiolabeled complementary probe to wash the gel with followed to autoradiography.
Or if you need to RNA for experimental purposes I'd just start from scratch.