I am studying the effect of extended ultrasonication on the synthesized graphene oxide nanosheets ( specially on the activity of surface oxy-functional groups ).
Dear Abhijeet, As per my knowledge ultrasonication can reduce the size of GO sheets and during that time it may break the chemical bond between the graphene layer (-C=C- backbone) and the oxygen containing functional groups. But, complete removal of functional group may not be possible. Further, you have to keep in mind one thing that excessive ultrasonication will reduce the size drastically. So, the materials property will change a lot.
Dear Abhijeet, As per my knowledge ultrasonication can reduce the size of GO sheets and during that time it may break the chemical bond between the graphene layer (-C=C- backbone) and the oxygen containing functional groups. But, complete removal of functional group may not be possible. Further, you have to keep in mind one thing that excessive ultrasonication will reduce the size drastically. So, the materials property will change a lot.