Dear friends

A 24, year old male was sent by our nephrologists today. He is a case of renal failure on dialysis. He has undergone live donor transplant and the graft was rejected. Now he has graft rejection and reaction. Hematuria and is likely to undergo graft nephrectomy. To compound his woes, he has been unable to walk since 6 months. He has bilateral steroid induced osteonecrosis of hips. He is severely painful.

He has a related donor ready and is in queue for a transplant also.

No doubt he needs a total hip bilaterally

My queries after a detailed discussion with the senior transplant nephrologist who referred me this case, one of many we will need to tackle in the future.

1. Timing-- Do we do the hips before or after the transplant. Nephrologist feels preoperative management is easier before . afterwards he will be on multiple immune suppressants and steroids. They do not plan a steroid sparing regimen.

If the hips are not done first he will remain severely handicapped following the transplant for an extended period of time till he gets fit for surgery and the risks are higher following the transplant

2. Cemented or uncemented

I would go uncemented as I want to save time. The difference with cemented hips is that i end up spending longer in component implantation.

3. Risks-- Is the risk of infection higher-- As far as knees go we have excellent data from the scottish registry which says the risk is higher with patients with renal failure. (BJJ- published somewhere in the last two years). What other significant risks exist?

Do we change antibiotic prophylaxis? What happens if he does get infected, it will screw up his chances for a replacement as well as a transplant.

4. One side or both at a time. Honestly, we don't have the set up for one sitting bilateral hips. But here my advantage is that preoperatively the nephrologists will take over.

5. Cannot use alendronate and head conserving surgeries. I believe THA is the least invasive and best option here. All subject to how my anaesthetists view the patient.

Requesting experiences and opinions

Murali Poduval



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