I have two groups of mice: A and B with two strains: 'XYZ' and 'ABC', and I have 3 samples of each strain, so 3 replicate values?
Endpoints were similar but I need to compare cell type proportions of each group (A vs B)
So how do I do this?
A- XYZ x 3 vs B- XYZ x 3
A- ABC x 3 vs B- ABC x 3
Cell types are not consistent some cell types have 150k cells and some have 80k cells. I went with non-parametric and performed Wilcoxon test and it says that it is not significantly different. (But I predict there should be)
I am trying to quantify the proportions of cell types between the two groups and see whether they are different or not.
Have I done it correctly or am I missing something here?