Can anyone tell me what insects/invertebrates typically comprise low-lying vegetation/ground litter habitats on the Canadian/North American east coast?
If you're interested in salt marsh habitats, or those dominated by Spartina grasses common along much of the east coast, the appendices of this paper might help:
Gina M. Wimp, Shannon M. Murphy, Deborah L. Finke, Andrea F. Huberty, and Robert F. Denno 2010. Increased primary production shifts the structure and composition of a terrestrial arthropod community. Ecology 91:3303–3311.
Thanks, Scott! However, I'm looking more towards the shrub layer at the edge of forests and forest patches (brambles, raspberries, dogwood, willows, goldenrod, mixed aster, burdock, Vibirnum, grasses, etc.). Any other references? Thanks again!
Jeff, I would look into publications or contacting someone from Os Schmitz's lab at Yale University for some leads on data sets or taxa lists. He has studied grassland and goldenrod arthropod communities of the northeast US for many years.