I have been expressing an isoform of a human protein using the baculovirus/insect cell system in sf21 cells. I have been having some problems with expression of this isoform where I have tried 3 different constructs using various tags in different positions. Well I have finally found a construct that seems to work. I optimized expression for 2.5 days at MOI 10. However, after lysing the cells, while there is some protein in the soluble fraction, I still find the majority is in the insoluble fraction. Now I am looking for options to try to increase the solubility of my protein before resorting to denaturation and refolding. I was think about greater mechanical disruption during lysis or increasing the Triton X concentration in the lysis buffer. The components of my lysis buffer is below (has been optimized for most other proteins):
25mM Hepes pH7.5
50mM KCl
20% glycerol
2mM CaCl2
10mM MgCl2.6H2O
0.1% Triton X-100
0.1% BSA (1mg/ml)
1x protease inhibitor cocktail
1% Benzonase
Any suggestions would be helpful.