In the light of what we see as a multiplicity in the phonetic images in reading Qur'an (Qur'anic Readings). Is there a difference between Holy Qur'an, revealed by Allah to His Messenger Muhammad (Peace and Blessings be Upon Him) and the (Qur'anic Readings)?
What is the truth of the license contained in the seven letters?
Was the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him), the source of Quranic readings, or it was what was permissible for the Sahabah (companion)?
Can the Companions prevent the reading of the Qur'an, which the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) authorized?
في ضوء ما نشهده من تعدد الصور الصوتية في قراءة القرآن الكريم (القراءات القرآنية)، هل هناك فارق بين القرآن الكريم الذي أنزله الله على رسوله محمد صلى الله عليه وسلم والقراءات القرآنية ؟
وما هي حقيقة الرخصة الواردة في الأحرف السبعة؟
وهل كان مصدر القراءات القرآنية من النبي، صلى الله عليه وسلم، أم من ما رخص به للصحابة؟
وهل يمكن أن يجمع الصحابة على منع أوجه قراءة القرآن التي رخص بها النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم؟
Thank you for these clever and wise questions. The majority of muslims may ask them.
*** - Excuse me to say that I have read the english transaltion and I didn't understand them, then I discovered a very bad translation of the 4 Arabic questions.
1- I'll translate the 1st one of them. You asked:
In the light of what we see as a multiplicity in the phonetic images in reading Qur'an (Qur'anic Readings). Is there a difference between Holy Qur'an, revealed by Allah to His Messenger Muhammad (Peace and Blessings be Upon Him) and the (Qur'anic Readings)?
Concerning the meanings in translation here:
We must make distinction;
Firstly, between (voices) and (phonetics). I understand that you mean the latter one.
Secondly, between (Qur'anic Recitals) and (Qur'anic Readings).
I mean by (Qur'anic Recitals): The human (voices) in reciting Qur'an. There are a hundred of Sheikhs reciting Qur'an with very beautiful voices.
I mean by (Qur'anic readings), following your use: The differences existing in many letters in the words of the Qur'an. Each complete set them in the whole Holy Qur'an is called (A Qur'anic Reading).
About the answer, excuse me, I'll let it for another occasion, if it would be possible ...
ثانياً: الرخصة الواردة في قراءة الأحرف السبعة تعود على الأوجه التي نزل بها الوحي. وليست على نحو ما فهمه البعض بالتخيير وفق اللهجات أو ما يتيسر نطقه للقارئ