10 February 2016 6 9K Report

Response             1                        activity

           ANOVA for Response Surface Quadratic Model

   Analysis of variance table [Partial sum of squares - Type III]

                             Sum of                                       Mean                F                       p-value

   Source              Squares            df                      Square             Value                Prob > F

   Block                                   0.60                        1                   0.60

   Model                            2557.35                        9               284.15                 28.14            < 0.0001           significant

       A-temp                       1733.37                        1             1733.37               171.63           < 0.0001

       B-time                            31.39                        1                 31.39                   3.11               0.1117

       C-qty                            311.46                        1               311.46                 30.84               0.0004

       AB                                  28.88                        1                 28.88                   2.86               0.1251

       AC                                 25.20                        1                 25.20                   2.50               0.1486

       BC                                 0.000                        1                 0.000                 0.000               1.0000

       A2 30.05                                 1                 30.05                   2.98               0.1186

       B2 317.74                               1               317.74                 31.46               0.0003

       C2 139.27                               1               139.27                 13.79               0.0048

   Residual                             90.89                        9                 10.10

   Lack of Fit                         89.91                        5                 17.98                 73.35               0.0005           significant

   Pure Error                           0.98                        4                   0.25

   Cor Total                       2648.85                      19

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