after liquid-liquid extracted pesticide from water sample,in order to quantify the pesticide in HPLC required pure form,extracted sample filtered throw sep-pak c18 cartridge, is it useful ? can any one give alternate suggestion in this regards
This is an overkill. The liquid-liquid extraction and SPE C18 will do the same thing by trapping organic compounds from water either into organic solvent or SPE C18 material. If your method is HPLC/UV, you may need different cleanup procedure afterwards to trap your analytes from interference in your extract. If you have LC/MS/MS, this problem will be solved easily. Depending upon the LOQ you need, with sensitive LC/MS such as Sciex 4000, 5500, or 6500, you can inject sample directly to the instrument (after filtration) and monitor in the MS/MS mode.
I usually just filter the sample through a .45 micron filter on a syringe before injection by the GC. I haven't had any problems (though I've only ran chlorpyrifos, not TCP).