We are a teacher and researcher in different fields. Many person hope if you haven't teacher or researcher. What kind of job do you prefer if you aren't teacher ?
I love my job and being teacher and researcher but after my retirement would like to work in garden or farm and be with plants flowers and trees and some pets , or being florist .
I love my job and being teacher and researcher but after my retirement would like to work in garden or farm and be with plants flowers and trees and some pets , or being florist .
Now, I am teaching and working on the different cases such as Electronics, Physics, Mathematics, Pharmacology, Management, Life Insurance and Laws. Really, I love all of them. But, if I could choose another job, I will be selected musicianship...
As we know that in the line with the qualification,achievement ,experience ,we select the job befitting our line of action.Job may be in any areas from academic ,legal , medical . Management ,finance , research & related areas in which we have become expertise.
As we know that we live in 21 st century & in the knowledge of any specialize have become global & as such in our own job we are to find the sources either by training or by learning the necessary of knowledge of our job so that we may offer justice to our performance & may help to increase in our professional career .