It is a very complicated question, as nobody knows how your compound behaves in vivo. It depends on many factor: bioavailability (if compound is given orally), toxicity for mice, metabolism in vivo, solubility (sometimes compound is very insoluble and it is not so easy to achieve high doses), etc. Before doing efficacy studies in mice, I would suggest to find MTD (maximum tolerated dose) in chronic and acute toxicity studies, there are several guidelines in website how to find it.
Hi Jitenda, you might start with a gross aproximation considering total blood volume. For example, in mice the total volume is approximately 1,5 ml. So if you are using 50ug/ml for in vitro assays, you should inyect 75ug. Hope it helps!
It is a very complicated question, as nobody knows how your compound behaves in vivo. It depends on many factor: bioavailability (if compound is given orally), toxicity for mice, metabolism in vivo, solubility (sometimes compound is very insoluble and it is not so easy to achieve high doses), etc. Before doing efficacy studies in mice, I would suggest to find MTD (maximum tolerated dose) in chronic and acute toxicity studies, there are several guidelines in website how to find it.