I used two samples one is infected to HBV and another not. when I had checked the Real-time amplification data it showed HBV specific primers amplification in both samples infected or non-infected while its amplification should be only from the infected Sample.

Reaction volume = 6uL

( Sybr Green =2.5 ul, primers = 1uL(10uM), template = 1uM and ddH2O = 1.5uL)

Reaction condition ;

Initially 95 degree for 10 minutes

Denaturation at 95 degrees for 15 sec

Annealing at 56 degrees for 1 minute

Extention at 72 degrees for 30 sec

Melting Curve ; 95, 60, 95 degree for 15, 60, 15 sec respectively.

Primers Tm between 59 to 62 degree and Product length from 100 to 150

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