In a daily diary survey, I have collected data for 10 days regarding 1 independent variable (IV), 1 mediator (Med), and 4 dependent variables (DV). I have also collected some more data before conducting the diary survey to use as moderators or control variables, for example, demographics-related (observed), motivation-related (latent variable).

This means the IV, Med and DVs are all Level 1 continuous variables, and moderators are Level 2 continuous and categorical variables.

In the beginning, I utilized MLmed macro for SPSS by Hayes and Rockwood (2020) to conduct multilevel moderated mediation analyses. However, I found many diary studies report the utilization of multi-level structural equational modeling (MSEM) in MPLUS. So I want to conduct MSEM/DSEM in Mplus because we can also check the model fit of our data, but I am not sure which example in the Mplus guide or which model and syntax would be the most appropriate for our data. The example of Mplus syntax provided in the Mplus guide regarding DSEM in chapter 9 ( in my understanding does not contain any example of, 1-1-1 mediation analyses moderated by level 2 variable. If anyone could kindly share any idea regarding Mplus syntax or resources for conducting 1-1-1 analyses moderated by level 2 variables that would be very helpful.

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