after 2 months wait the editorial board of an esteem Journal rejected a manuscript. What is the role/and importance of reviewer and what is the role of editorial board.
Yes, the same experience faced by most, especially early stage researchers. I don't know the exact role of a editor, but the editor will first make the choice if the research article is suitable for the journal, and he/she will decide if the article need/need not be transferred to the experienced "reviewer" for further review and publication in the research journal. Your article may be rejected irrespective of the quality of your paper if the editor finds it not suitable for publication in their journal. But in the process of the review, the "reviewer" would verify your paper in detail; and will request you to either improve your paper and add necessary information. If the reviewer too finds the paper not worthy and if we fail to give the necessary information asked by the reviewer then the "reviewer" and the "editor" will reject the paper.
You can still retain your hope (thought the wait for the publication is long) and work on the issues suggested by the "reviewer" to make your research article better, as well as wait to get your research article published in the journal whose "editor" will value your work and publish it.
Though most (not all) research are focused to add value to science, each journal tend to maintain their quality and give preference to best papers they receive, hence only 30% (approx) of their research articles they receive are published. But you do find some articles, whose work may be less worth than your research, but still get published in the same journal which reject yours, we can't say why.
yeah but such rejection should be much faster .. this is insane. In some journals the deadline for review is 2 weeks and this is fair if you want to reject the paper.
Scientific publishing become a business, you pay them to publish your research you pay them to read papers.. so lots of journals which are looking for editors and reviewers - quality of these guys become lower and lower and nothing can be done ....