As from last few months most of the journals are going toward citation and h-index and offering authors to pay fee in form open access option. Does it is justice with authors to pay money to published his/her research work ?
If you choose to publish your paper in an open access journal, you are required to pay for publishing process. This is not so for a subscription journal. Why not choose a subscription journal instead ?
Agreed but from last two months every 2nd journal going toward open access option to increase the number of citations as well this processing fee is too much will not be paid by a common researcher from devolving countries as not every one have research funding/projects
I checked the citations of the open access journals, and found that it does not exceed those of the subscription journals. Very few open access journals are included in the Journal Citation Report database, and the open access journals that managed to be indexed in this database, are usually in the 3rd or 4th quartile (by impact factor).