I set up the digestion as per GeCKO protocol:
5ug- lentiCRISPRv2
3ul- FastDigest Esp3I (thermoscientific)
3 ul- FastAP (thermoscientific)
6 ul- 10X Fastdigest green buffer
0.6ul- 100mM DTT (freshly prepared)
made up the volume to 60 ul with water
digested for 30 min at 37 deg C
Followed by digestion, I ran the entire mixture on a 1% agarose gel and I found a highly concentrated smear in the range of 2-1kb but I didn't find any larger band.
I checked the size of plentiCRISPRv2 by running on the gel after single cut digestion and I found the plasmid was of the right size
Could anyone tell me what could be the reason for this smear?