01 January 1970 6 10K Report

I need to fabricate organic solar cells. The organic materials I'm using are soluble in Chlorobenzene (PCBM, P3HT, PCDTBT, and etc.)

I'm doing some tests in order to obtain uniform layers on top of the PEDOT:PSS.

As a start I used a Chlorobenzene solution with 20mg/ml PCBM.

So far I could not get a uniform layer, sometimes the edges are not covered well (12*12mm square glass substrate), sometimes there are small spots, and sometimes it seems like there are some areas with different thicknesses. Some pictures are attached below.

Does someone have some experience on that matter that he can share?

The PEDOT:PSS was spin-coated after 0.45um filtration to get an approximately 30nm layer, and then heated to 105 degrees outside and inside the glove-box.

I used an anhydrous 99.8% Chlorobenzene and used 0.45um filter before spin-coating the PCBM layer.

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