19 Questions 24 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Dor Gotleyb
Or is it only on a research stage?
17 January 2023 6,342 5 View
Hello, We have a thermal evaporator in the lab which we use mostly to evaporate metal contacts (Al, Au, Ag, Ca, Cr, etc.), sometimes we evaporate polymers too. It's quite old and its performance...
05 February 2020 9,358 4 View
Looking at a simple electric circuit: battery, resistor and diode. The applied voltage of the battery (V_a) drops on both the resistor and the diode. Thus, at a closed loop the voltage is...
02 July 2018 4,176 4 View
Maxwell's/Gauss equations define the electric fields and current density at the interface of metal/dielectric. Since semiconductor is a dielectric material, I would expect that these boundaries...
19 April 2018 2,707 4 View
The electrostatic baundry conditions were derived for static charges (continuity of the displacement and tangential electric field). Does it hold for the situations of moving charges (current...
19 April 2018 2,987 5 View
The electric potential must be continuous, otherwise the electric field will be infinity (E=-dv/dx). But, is there a a physical law that requireing the electrochemical potential to be continuous?
14 February 2018 1,681 1 View
I'm a bit lost in all the numerous methods for solving differential equations and I would be very grateful if someone could point me to some direction. I want to solve the following boundary...
17 January 2018 2,345 8 View
I saw in a paper that the current in a metal is sigma (conductivity=e*mu*n) multiplied by dk/dx where k is the electrochemical energy (or fermi energy). It seems to me that it is some kind of a...
15 December 2017 2,886 2 View
In electrostatics, inside a metal there are no charges (electric field equals zero, thus one can find the potential using Laplace equation (together with the proper boundary conditions). Is it...
13 December 2017 8,511 4 View
I have the following Laplace's equation on rectangle with length a and width b (picture is attached): ΔU(x,y)=0 Ux(0,y)=0 : Isolated boundary Ux(a,y)=f(y) : Current source U(x,b)=0 : Zero...
06 March 2017 8,006 7 View
What are the main differences between metal-inorganic and metal-organic interfaces? Is there a band bending or migs (metal induced gap states) in the metal-organic interface? And how the...
31 December 2015 2,687 3 View
I want to solve the laplace equation on rectangle geometry.My problem is that one axisc is much bigger than the other.x=100 nm & y~1cmOne edge with Dirichlet boundaryOther two edges with...
31 December 2015 906 11 View
I have a 1:4 weight ratio blend of APFO3:PCBM with the density of about 1200kg*m−3. I'm also assuming one site per APFO3 monomer and PCBM molecule. How to calculate/estimate the "Electron and Hole...
28 October 2015 8,333 1 View
The general term of the current reads J_total=J_conduction+J_Displacement. Where in most cases J_C obeys Ohms law and J_D=epsilon dE/dt. Usually when a capacitor is disconnected from the electric...
01 January 1970 2,051 9 View
I need to fabricate organic solar cells. The organic materials I'm using are soluble in Chlorobenzene (PCBM, P3HT, PCDTBT, and etc.) I'm doing some tests in order to obtain uniform layers on top...
01 January 1970 9,511 6 View
Are there free tools to extract the equivalent circuit solar cell parameters (lph, Rs, I01, I02, Rsh, n1, n2) from the dark/illuminated current-voltage curve? Thanks
01 January 1970 9,875 9 View
Hi, Solar cells and photodiodes are pretty much the same devices working in different modes. Can I apply an equivalent circuit model on photodiodes too (also in dark condition)? Is the physical...
01 January 1970 4,014 5 View
What are the size limitations of the mentioned measurements? Can I perform these measurements on a pixel, let's say few microns to few dozen microns square? Are there any limitations on the...
01 January 1970 3,667 3 View
I'm SPIN-COATING PEDOT:PSS at 3000rpm on a glass/ITO substrate with Au metal grid. The substrate is thoroughly cleaned with solvents and UV treatment. I'm getting around 30-50nm PEDOT:PSS layer...
01 January 1970 1,542 6 View