The thing is that I am transfecting both protein isoforms separately in 10 cm dishes with COS-1 cells and FuGENE® HD Transfection Reagent. I am transfecting 3 µg of the each vector containing each isoform with 12 µl of the FuGENE® HD Transfection Reagent (1:4 ratio). I am lysing the cells with the NP-40 lysis buffer. I'm using a first mouse anti-Myc tag antibody and a second peroxidase labelled anti-mouse antibody. Well, the point is that at the end I get a strong band signal for the bigger 36.7 kDa protein isoform but I don't get any signal at all for the smaller 15.6 kDa protein isoform. I cannot detect this last one. I sequenced both vectors and both myc tags are perfectly in frame. I also performed a Beta-Tubulin Loading Control and that's not definitely the problem. The Cell line used should be the optimal one. Perhaps, since the smaller protein isoform (15.6 kDa ) is much smaller than the other one, maybe I should use a stronger lysis buffer in order to allow the antibody to be more accessible to the epitop. As could be easily renaturated somehow.

P.D. I am talking about a cytoplasmatic (soluble) protein. Any suggestions?

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