I am using cleaned PCR product of fragment of rpoB gene of M.tuberculosis. PCR products are cleaned by Exo-Sap and after cycle sequencing purification is done by the sodium acetate method.
if the quality of the sequencing is otherwise good can you not just change the scale of the X axis on the electropherogram. Can you post an electropherogram for us to see?
or it can sometimes be associated with poor filling of the capillary or sample overloading so you could try loading less sample ( shorter loading time,lowere loading voltage or just a slightly more dilute sample
Thank you very mcuh for your advises. Yes, quality is good and raw data is fine. I will follow your guild lines and update you. This problem stated recently. I checked with new reagent kits also.
When I say "gel" I mean Polymer. Usually when the polymer is not fresh (is outdated or not well conserved) it gives such irregular peak width. Then we spend a lot of time changing many other parameters for nothing.