I am doing a little research on comparison of Quality of life of diabetic and non diabetic patients. 

For this purpose I've two questionnaires, one for the diabetic people, including 39 questions and the other for non diabetic people, including 29 questions. The data is likert. (Attaching the 1st page of the questionnaires)

Now some of the questions are similar to each other(in each questionnaire separately) That's why I want to use factor analysis so that only important factors could be extracted. I am thinking of using factor analysis separately on the two questionnaires and when the factors are extracted I will use logistic regression for the comparison of the quality of life of both groups. 

Now my question is whether applying factor analysis is right or not? plus if it is right and I do so and the factors are extracted, how would I enter the data for logistic regression analysis? How it would be run and interpreted?

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