Colored Powder or Dust: You can gently dust the crickets with a fine, non-toxic colored powder like food-grade cornstarch or cosmetic-grade mica powder. This will leave a visible mark without harming the crickets.Non-toxic Paint: Water-based paints that are non-toxic and safe for insects can be used to mark the crickets. Ensure the paint is completely dry before releasing them.Non-toxic Pens or Markers: Fine-tipped markers that are specifically designed to be non-toxic and safe for use on insects can be used to draw small marks on the cricket's exoskeleton.Colored Thread or Floss: Tying a small, lightweight piece of colored thread around the cricket's leg can provide a visible mark without causing harm.Nail Polish: Some water-based or non-toxic nail polishes can also be used to mark crickets, although this should be tested to ensure it doesn't adversely affect them.