In my experience I use Adipose-derived Stem Cells (ADSCs) taken from abdominal fat together with orbital fat cells and concentrated platelets (PRP) implanted in the sovrachoroidal space. The effect is an increase in the choroidal flow of growth factors produced by this autograft that produces retinal neuroenhancement. Is usefull in all the atrophic retinal diseases in order to obtain an improuvement of visual performance in low vision patient. I have a good experience in dry AMD but we are studiing other atrophic neuroretinal diseases.
Paolo Giuseppe Limoli, MD, PhD, Enzo Maria Vingolo, Marco Ulisses Morales, MD, PhD, Marcella Nebbioso, MD, and Celeste Limoli, MD. Preliminary Study on Electrophysiological Changes After Cellular Autograft in Age-Related Macular Degeneration. Medicine. November 2014.
Limoli PG, Limoli C, Vingolo EM, Scalinci SZ, and Celeste Limoli, MD. Cell surgery and growth factors in dry age-related macular degeneration: visual prognosis and morphological study. Oncotarget, 6-7-2016 DOI: 10.18632/oncotarget.10442.
Limoli PG, Vingolo EM, Nebbioso M, Scalinci SZ, Mele L, Limoli C. BCVA changes after suprachoroideal graft of autologous cells in Dry AMD . Invest. Ophthalmol. Vis. Sci.. 2015; 56(7):2259. doi: Meeting Abstract June 2015