Hi Everyone

I am conducting my research and one of my research objectives is to develop a model using PLS-SEM method, For your information I have run the smartPls to develop the model with with the following details:

-Number of samples are 100

-Number of questions are 38 (38 Factors)

- My model passed all the measurements assessment also structural assessments with some negative coefficient values.

However, When I perform the Bootstrapping in SmartPLS to test the hypothesis, the outputs revealed only one significant construct ( t-value ) out of 7 constructs and the rest constructs are less than significant level of 10% (0.10; two-tailed test) 

Can any one please assist me , how to improve my hypotheses to be significant ? If I continue with my obtained outputs (not significant of t-value for some path coefficient) Can I got some literature and previous research to cite and support my findings.

Kind Regards

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