07 July 2016 4 5K Report


I have been trying to express and purify full length human BCL-2 protein in E coli. BCL-2 cDNA determined to be correct were introduced into Gtaeway pDEST 17 vector to allow for the recombinant 6X His tagged protein (N term) to be produced and purified in E coli. I had done the optimizations in LB with AMP. All my plates are 1% glucose supplemented. i did fresh transformations everytime. But I cant find a good induction in the coomasie. I did get  a desired band at 28kDa in the induced lane and no band in UI as per Western Blot. I have used BL21AI, induced with L arabinose and IPTG @ 0.1mM/20 degree/ON as well as BL21 DE3 pLysS cells. But the induction pattern seems to be similar with no obvious induction seen in coomassie. Also the insoluble fraction has good band compared to soluble in WB. I use anti his Ab.  I plan to do a large scale culture with one of the colonies, following qiaexpression protocol. 

Do I need to get  a good induced band before I go to large scale production? Do anyone work with the similar protein and cells? Can sombody suggest a large scale protein  production  protocol?

I have seen people using 1% Triton X 100 in the lysis buffer? Would that help in bringing the protein to soluble? i don't want to use urea as a denaturing agent also. 

Can someone help me in this regard? 

Thanks much in advance...


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