Dear all:
I'm working at an explosive manufacturing plant, the spent nitric acid coming from the nitration operation, has dissolved gases (NO2), which is evidenced by its brown colour, this causes problems at the nitric acid distillation tower.
I was given the task of proposing a solution. Was I had researched until now is:
*In nitric acid manufacture, the acid at the outlet of the absorption tower (the tower absorbs NOx gases into water to produce nitric acid) has the same problem. Solutions are: heating the acid, at a temperature sufficient to promote gas desorption; contacting with air inside bubbling or packing towers to strip the dissolved NOx gases. See for example patents: US2142646, US 4062928.
*Decomposition of nitrous acid: 3HNO2HNO3+2NO+H2O. See for example: "Role of nitrous acid decomposition in absorber and bleacher in nitric acid plant" (Ingale et al), "Accurate rate constants for decomposition of aqueous nitrous acid" (Rayson et al).
*Decomposition of nitric acid: 4HNO34NO2+2H2O+O2. See for example: "Kinetics of the thermal decomposition in the liquid phase" (Robertson et al).
*Equilibrium pressures of the system NO2-H2O-HNO3, see for example "Phase relations in the nitric acid nitrogen dioxide water system at physicochemical equilibrium" (Webster et al).
My problems are:
*Patents treat the topic very lightly, just in a few lines. Does someone know about parameters, procedures, references for size/design of NOx degassing/nitric acid bleaching operations?
*I have problems putting together papers information. I have some familiarity with nitric acid absorption operations modelling, and is generally assumed that species (NO2,N2O3,N2O4) experience heterogeneous reactions to give HNO3 and HNO2 in solution, also that NO has a low solubility. How to consider "dissolved gases" then?. For example the model presented by Ingale is an adaptation of the typical absorber model, which doesnt account for "dissolved gases".
Any help will be greatly appreciated.
Best regards.