10 October 2017 4 9K Report


I need to extract viral RNA from swab samples using solid phase extraction (SPE) method. In order to optimize the microfluidic chip and reagents, I use short DNA sequence (~100 bp) to test the binding affinity of the SiO2 surface. The SiO2 surface was cleaned using IPA and water before experiment. Then I measure the DNA concentration before and after SPE. Here are the steps: 100 uL of sample+chaotropic agent(1M guanidine thiocyanate) -> 100uL of 70% Ethanol-> pull air through the channel until the channel is dry-> 50uL of nuclease free water. I thought ethanol dissolves guanidine thiocyanate and will evaporate fast so there shouldn't be any liquid left. However, I got about 40% DNA recovery but always have a lot of contaminants (the 260/230 ratio is very low), which affect the PCR downstream. Does anyone have any idea how to remove the impurity?

Thank you!

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