I am staining frozen human kidney tissue and found there is quite a bit of autofluorescence. Does anyone know a good method to reduce it? Many thanks in advance.
Just to help quickly: If you can't wait for serious hints I would like to point you to the possibility of searching within RGdatabase (eg. SEARCH -->QUESTIONS --> insert
‚ frozen sections autofluorescence ( kidney ) ‚ or (just as another example):
‚ sections frozen freeze quenching autofluorescence ‚ will result in o (e.g.) :
https://www.researchgate.net/search.Search.html?type=question&query=frozen+sections+autofluorescence or
@Titi Chen: sorry about not having answered in October to your kind reply #03 above. Obviously I didn't follow the recent invitations to your thread thoroughly. Hope you have found some solution for your problem. Best wishes and regrads, WM.
Dear Titi, when reevaluating my scripts I found another Q&A's regarding the matter of 'Quenching Autofluorescence' which I couldn't find to be included in the SEARCH RESULTS easily (perhaps because the Requester has deleted his RG-Account... but nevertheless his Q and the (11) answers have been "preserved" until now: Perhaps it is a good Idea to go to: https://www.researchgate.net/post/How_can_I_prevent_auto_florescence_in_a_frozen_section_of_human_skin and see which methods were offered for that task.... Best wishes, good look and a succvessful outcome, Wolfgang
I was also interested and had a look around for different chemical-treatments that could help reducing the auto fluorescence by quenching or structural changes. But it seems to be that there is quite a simple technique.
Please have a look at the attached report of Michael Neumann and Detlef Gabel. I'll give it a try and could let you know if it worked for me if you're interested.
Apologize if I am back again ...with (an)other reference(s) found in my files:
i) STAUGHTON TJ, McGillicuddy CJ, Weinberg PD.: Techniques for reducing the interfering effects of autofluorescence in fluorescence microscopy: improved detection of sulphorhodamine B-labelled albumin in arterial tissue. J. Micr. 201 / #1, 70-76, 2001 Keywords: quenching of autofluorescence, filters, effects of fixatives, fluorescence microscopy, Sulphorhodamine B, temperature, Lissamine rhodamine, (cf.. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/11136441 )
and ii) the document by 'WRIGHT Cell Image Facility' attached for your convenience. Let us know if any of the procedures proposed up to now could help to solve your problem,.....best Regards, WM