
I’m making some measurements sensitive to numerical aperture (NA), using Nikon 60X water immersion objective with NA 1, WD (working distance) 2.0. To verify the NA for my sources of light, I measured the beam dimeter with a CMOS camera so that its sensor was touching the front lens of the objective (through which the light goes out). That I did without water on the objective, and have the questions:

1) For the light from a non-laser source that I checked illuminates the entire back lens of the objective, I observe that the diameter 1.4 mm of the beam in the plane of objective’s front lens. 1.4 mm is much smaller than the diameter 5.7 mm of the front lens itself. While I believed NA is calculated from the assumption that the light occupies the entire front lens, as proportional to the ratio between working distance and diameter of the front lens. Where is discrepancy here?

2) A laser beam, for which I measured the beam dimeter of 0.4 mm without the objective, after passing through the objective ends up having the diameter 0.22 mm in the plane of objective’s front lens. How should I recalculate my NA for the laser?

Thank you for any advice and help!

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