Hi everyone!
As I previously shared with you, I've started to work with Caco-2 cells and even asked for your help. I recently followed a protocol to extract proteins, but when I collected the supernatant, it was very mucus-like, and didn't know if it is normal or not, or if I had to do something different from the protocol that I followed.
So far I haven't found anything related to this matter that could help me. Do you happen to know if I have to do something different when it comes to extract protein from Caco-2 cells? Or is the mucus-supernatant normal? Can I do Western Blot with a sample like that?
Could it be because they are a cell line from a carcinoma? Or cause its differentiation into Goblet cells? I have never had this problem with IEC-6 cells, so I'm really lost
Thank you so much for reading!