I am trying to normalize test data with its control. I have 3 independent values of "test data" and 3 independent values of "control data". I calculated mean and standard deviation for both independently. Now, I want to normalize the test data using the control. So, here I can have the normalized value of my test sample by dividing the "control mean value" from "test mean value" but what about the standard deviation? I think I need to use this STDEV values also for accurate normalization. How can I process this data?

A simple example to understand my question:

Test sample A has three values 3,4,5 and the control sample has three values 1,2,2. Now, the mean and standard deviation for Test sample is calculated as 4 and 1 respectively. In the same way, the mean and standard deviation for Control sample is calculated as 1.67 and 0.58 respectively. So, how can I normalize this Test data using the control data considering mean and std deviation.

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