09 September 2017 4 3K Report

I am struggling with the formulation in lme of a generalize randomized block design(GRBD's) with subsampling. The experiment consists of 2 treatments : 1.genetic diversity (g_diversity) with two levels: mix/nomix crops

2.temporal diversity (t_diversity) with two levels: 4years/2years- under crop rotation). The field divided to 4 strips: 2 strips- 4years rotation ; 2 strips- 2 year rotation. For each of those t_diversity treatments- 1 strip is crop A and the second is crop B ( I want to eliminate crop effect, so I set it (strip)as random var). Each strip consists of 3 blocks, in each block 4 experimental plots, 2 plots for each of g_diversity levels (mix/non-mix). In each plot, I took 3 samples for decomposition rate, some samples are missing (NA's). later on I want to compare between the treatments performance.

My initial model looks like this:

lme(decomposed_weight ~ g_diversity+t_diversity, random= ~1|strip/block/plot/repetition, data=Dt, na.action=na.omit)

However, I'm not sure whether this model reflect correctly the GRBD's analysis and take in consideration correctly the experimental design. Any suggestions and explanations are welcome!


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