We want to study the induction of monoterpenes, sesquiterpenes and diterpenes in Cypress under biotic attack. Considering that for this tree there is no primer for any specific synthase, we should take a look at it from a global point of view.

As far as I know, all mt synthases begin transforming geranyl pyrophosphate to geranyl cation, all st synthases convert farnesyl pyrophosphate to farnesyl cation and all dt synthases ionize the geranylgeranyl pyrophosphate to (+)copalyl diphosphate. Is there any methodology to detect the gene activity of all the synthases doing each of these three processes? If not, I was thinking of using GPP synthase, that theoretically only produces mt (though one paper says it could be related to the production of gibberellins) but I cannot use FPP and GGPP, because they don't produce only st and dt.. So the only solution would be abandoning synthases and working with enzyme extracts, like in Litvak&Monson 98?


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